SANITY: Bruises To Blossoms

Album art

Client: SANITY


SANITY embodies the art of storytelling, enveloped in a unique fusion of hip-hop, grime and jazz. The Birmingham native’s unwavering lyricism positions her at the forefront of a burgeoning creative movement characterized by its embrace of fluidity and the dismantling of traditional boundaries. Her 2020 releases, including EPs like “Lying in Truth” and “A Problem Shared,” along with her collaboration on “DEEP IT” produced by the legendary DJ Zinc, showcase powerful messages underscored by unconventional instrumentals, crafting immersive soundscapes brimming with vitality.

SANITY’s incisive commentary displays a fearless instinct, skillfully balancing eloquence and intensity in each line, all while navigating contemporary themes ranging from empowerment to self-exploration. Her authentic boldness shone brightly when she graced the stage at the 2018 Commonwealth Games closing ceremony in Australia, capturing the attention of global audiences. SANITY’s rise as one of the most captivating voices in the UK scene comes as no surprise, given her two-time recognition at the Birmingham Music Awards and inclusion in the 2020 shortlist for the BBC Introducing West Midlands One to Watch. In setting the tone for 2021, versatility stands as the hallmark of an artist who creates enthralling, genre-defying experiences.

🌸🌸’Bruises To Blossoms’ out now🌸🌸 / IG: @sanitythemc

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Photography: Ambient Jade
Art Direction: Ryan Killeen
Motion: Pica
Producer: Dwayne Young